Everything you would want to know about life in New Zealand and life at BC.
Education Tauranga provides support for international education providers in promoting the region to students and their families. Their website is a great source of information, resources and links that highlight Tauranga's appeal. NEED ED TGA LOGO ADDED
The two years study experience at Bethlehem College was a wonderful time for me.
I really enjoyed studying at Bethlehem College and I never regretted the decision I made to change schools. I know I made the right decision.
At Bethlehem College I was warmly welcomed by all the teachers and students. I received so much love through the new friends, the International Staff and my host family. This is the place where I first felt at home after two years of studying abroad.
If you want to find your second home overseas, Bethlehem College is the best choice.
Breanna Wang - China
When I first got to BC, I had to be brave. I didn't know anyone and
wasn't sure I could communicate what I wanted to say in English. Since then, my
language skills have improved. However, I've got more interesting and exciting things
than hard things. NZ is quite an inclusive country, and nearly everybody I know has a
different background. Whether they be Tauranga-born or Asian-born. Through school
life in NZ so far, I have discovered a lot about other cultures, and I found it so enjoyable
to know them!
Reika Kanai - Japan
Some might find certain things easier or harder than others but
everyone will find their challenge. All that I can say is that everybody thinking about doing an
exchange should be equally aware of the challenges and rewards. Nevertheless, it is an absolute
unique experience that widens your horizon in a way not many other things can. Taking the leap to spending time abroad at New Zealand to Bethlehem College provided the perfect environment for me to grow. That’s why I can only recommend going on exchange as it is life changing.
Paula Stadelhofer de Moraes - Brazil
This experience is the most interesting that I have done in my life. At first I was afraid about language barriers because I didn’t know any one and I have to do anything by myself. But when I came to Bethlehem college, I feel enthusiastic help from teachers and my good friends. According to me study in the other country and a new environment is a valuable lesson. I saw so many new things. I am currently living at Tauranga, where has a beautiful place with a beach and beside it there is a mountain. Sometimes I hang out with my friends go to the beach and have a mini picnic. Everything about New Zealand and Bethlehem College is lovely memories.
Uyen Le - Vietnam