News & Events
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Word from the Principal

'As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater' (Isaiah 55:10).

As we enter into the winter school holidays, may we rest in the promise of God's good and perfect timing to complete the good works that He began in our lives and the lives of our children. A special prayer for travel mercies over our Fiji team and blessings upon their hearts for service.

Ma te Atua tātou e manaaki – God bless
Larne Edmeades

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Winter Sports Team Photos: Team photos taken at BC with players, coaches & managers on Wed 24 & Thu 25 July. View schedule here

Y7-13 Parent Teacher Conferences: Thu 25 & Tue 30 Jul Register here

Mobile Dentist: Onsite 22 Jul - 6 Sep treating most overdue Y0-8 students via appt letters. More info/concerns call 0800 TALK TEETH.

High School Musical Junior: Book your tickets for Wed 7th, Thu 8th & Fri 9th August at 6.30 pm here!

BC First XI Girl’s Soccer Fundraiser:  Purchase 19Kg bag wood shavings $30 (100% to tourn costs) Contact Jo at 0211744977.

Defensive Driving Course - Evening courses at BC Library. For more info go to FB: Drive Safe Driving School or call Sue on 0212153548.

Canvas Careers Expos: 8th & 9th Aug at Baypark. Find out more

Uniforms: Open winter hols Thu 18, Fri 19 & Mon 22 Jul. More

Hopper Bus Changes: Beg 29/07/24 6-18 year olds FREE bf 9am & 2.30-6pm M-F during term (vs all day). More info here.

SchoolBridge App: Find out more

Whānau Evenings: Neurodiversity, Grief & Device Use, Learn more

Chapel Open: Wed 8-8.30 am Prayer and 10.30-11 am Worship

BC Prayer Group: Wed 8.45 am (Admin Building). Join other current and past parents to pray over the BC whānau.

Job Openings at BC: See vacancies to find out more here

Cambridge Road Updates: Please click on the link here

Year At A Glance

Term1: Winter Sports Rego, Photolife, Year 6 &12 Camps, Parent Teacher Conferences (Primary), Open Day, Summer Sports Prizegiving, Waitangi Day, Easter Service/Walk

Term 2: Parent Teacher Conferences (Secondary), Senior Ball, Anzac, Cross Country, Epro8, Market Day, Sports Camp, Monarch's Birthday, Worship Week, Parent Teacher Conferences (YRS 0-6)

Term 3: , Founder's Day, Summer Sports Rego, Speeches, Subject Selection, Cultural Day, Winter Tournament, Choir Festival, BOT Nominations, Daffodil Day, Winter Sports Prizegiving, Practice Exams, AIMS Games, Grandparents Morning Tea

Term 4: Year 7 Testing, Leavers Assembly, Prizegiving (Secondary), NCEA Exams, Chapman Spring Fair (EOY), Year 9 Camp, Leavers Dinner, Arotahi Yearbook, Athletics, Labour Day

Arotahi Yearbook

The Arotahi is a yearbook produced by the Visual Arts Department and distributed at the end of each year. One free yearbook is given to each family - either to the departing senior OR the youngest child, as well as a pdf version of the magazine available to download for free. For those families wishing to order additional copies of the Arotahi, these can be purchased for $20 per copy (on charged to school account). Order here

'You shall love your neighbour as yourself' (Mark 12:31).