Service & Leadership
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Learning to love God goes hand in hand with loving others. Learning to serve in the community as servant-hearted leaders is in the DNA of learning at Bethlehem College. Students are given opportunities to serve within the school, community, across the nations and beyond NZ shores through a broad range of projects. In all this, we seek to follow the example of Jesus, the servant of all.


It is our goal to prepare students to become men and women of God, who take an active positive role in their world - whether in study, business, home, church, sports or governement - where they will actively influence their sphere for good. Students are encouraged to particpate in the numerous opportunities for service and Not-For-Profit Fundraising at school and in the community, such as:


Biblical leadership is an attribute that is based on the concept of good influence, and that all students can develop as they understand that they have the potential to significantly influence their world for good. In order to help students develop the power to influence, our programmes include:

  • The gaining of knowledge and understanding what the Bible says about leadership
  • The skills to think through issues
  • Development of good communication and speaking skills
  • Opportunities for leadership within the many sports teams, cultural groups, academic pursuits and service activities
  • Student Service Council and BOT Representative
  • Senior student leadership and House leadership roles
  • Peer Support opportunities for Year 6 students and again for Year 12/13 students working with younger students

Missions combines service and leadership practically as we use the gifts, talents and abilities that God has given us to show manaakitanga and to bless others. At Bethlehem College, these opportunities include:

  • Regional Outreach (to churches and communities)
  • National Trips (to communities within New Zealand)
  • Overseas Destinations (serving practically through construction, teaching and other projects)

'Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, 

as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms' (1Peter 4:10).