BCC Key Information
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The following information is provided as an overview of Key Information for Chapman. Once registered, students and parents will receive a login to the BCC portal to find specific information regarding bell times, uniforms, bus schedules, canteen ordering, digital learning and library resources.

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School Hours

Our day begins at 8.40am and finishes at 3.15pm. Our break times for Morning Tea are at 10.40-11.00am and lunch is 12.40pm-1.30pm.


Our Uniform shop is open 9.30am - 3.30pm on Tuesdays by Mrs Trish Copeland. Uniforms can be ordered online or a Tuesday appointment can be made via text if any uniform fitting is required.

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Our ākonga/students come to school each day predominantly by private car.  Drop off is between 7.45-8:30 am and pick up is between 3:00-3:30 pm with cars required to park in the carpark area.

Digital Learning

As an Apple kura/school we have BC Chapman iPads available for classroom research and digital learning programmes. At Year 7 & 8 our students/akonga purchase their own iPad for classroom blended learning. We believe in ensuring the most effective tool is used for the task at hand and in equipping our students/akonga to identify and competently use it.

 'And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; 

And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you' (Genesis 12:2-3).